How we help

Our aim is to ensure that more people with leukaemia survive, have the best possible quality of life and that their families and carers get the support they need.

Our services

About blood cancers

Information about blood cancers, symptoms, risk factors and treatments.

Telephone helpline

We provide telephone support for paitients and family members.


Counselling for people with blood cancer and their loved ones.

Support groups

We set up support groups so people going through blood cancer treatment have people to talk to that understand what they are going through.

Home and hospital visits

Our trusted volunteers can visit you at home or in hospital when you need a friendly face and someone to listen

Stem cell donation

Find out how easy it is to donate your stem cells and save a life.

Donor campaigns

These people are urgently seeking a stem cell donor, can you help?

Patient stories

Devoted to the recruitment of volunteer bone marrow donors, research, education and patient care.


Information about the research projects that Leukaemia Cancer Society contributes to.

© 2022 Leukaemia Cancer Society